
Note to Self:

It's never gonna change.

For the Record.

Just because I don't show it, doesn't mean it's not there.

Today was an okay day.
Sometimes I feel like I don't learn enough in A.P. Government.
I guess that would be my fault though.
Science was boring. As usual, Mr. Olmos had no idea what he was talking about half the time.
But the crazy blonde lady who appeared then disappeared was pretty funny. :)
I spent lunch with Yasmin. I feel like we caught up on a few things.
I'm so happy I have her this year!
Then 6th period I caught up with a really old friend.

Now, I'm home. And I finally get to relax.
I guess my day was pretty much boring and uneventful.
But, I needed that today.
Therefore, it was an okay day. :)


New Start.

So, since I'm locked out of my wordpress account, I'm starting NEW. Months and months of blogging. GONE. Why? Cause some idiot tried to hack me too many times, and couldn't figure out my password. UGH. :/. So, I decided to start fresh on a new site. :)


First day of the last semester. Whooo. NOT! I'm so ready to graduate already. There's so much going on in my life right now, why do I wanna waste time in classes that are a joke? Like health and ceramics. What the heck am I gonna get out of that class that's gonna help me in the real world? And to even try to describe some of the people at school, I won't even get started. I am soo lucky to have the friends that I do<3

I feel a BIG change coming up. It's already happening, I just can't point it out. But, I'm job hunting right now. I think I'd pretty much settle for anything at the moment. I need some sort of income coming in BY the beginning of March. It's hard to believe that in a little over a month I'll be legally considered an adult. I'll have a license and a car. I'll be receiving college admissions letters. I'll be making choices on where I'll be living the next 4-6 years. It's a little overwhelming right now.

I need sleep.
