

Okay, so here's my list-for now. I'll more than likely be changing things around.

Play more guitar- I have this beautiful, new guitar sitting in my room. And I barely know anything about it. I'm just not very self-motivated when it comes to teching myself how to play. But, I now have someone who's going to help out whenever I need it. But part of my goal, is to learn it MYSELF. That might not be all the way possible, bbut for the most part, I'm going to try. :)

Have more patience- It's an ongoing battle at home, sharing a room with my brother, who is now almost 18. -_- But we both came to the conclusion that we fight so much, only because we share the same space that is designated to others as "your own." "Me time" is just not possible here, but until we can afford a place with one more bedroom, there's nothing that's going to change the bickering. Other than a little bit of patience.

Use camera daily- I read through some old notebooks I used to share with friends. You know, the ones where you write eachother letters daily, haha. I found that I have forgotten so many things that have happened, things I thought I wouuld always remember. I hate forgetting, memories are so important to me. So I want to use my camera daily, to never forget anything that goes on, unless of course I WANT to. But this also helps with the fact that I miss scrapbooking so much and I can now get back into it. :)

Get a job, and stick with it- I've never worked. I've never needed to. But I've always wanted to. Getting a job is extremely hard to do these days, but now I NEED one. For financial reasons, school reasons, and to keep me out of the house and off the computer all day long.

Get a car- Self-explanatory. It's hard to have a social life without a car. It's hard to have a job without a car. But, you can't have one without the other. Tricky situation, but I think I can do it. ;)

Stay Organized- with everything. School, my room, my thoughts. Everything. I have a planner now. That should help with school. Let's see how the rest goes.

Lose weight- Depression led to a rapid weight gain. I hate it. I want to eat healthy, and exercise more. I'm excited for this one. :D

Dress up once a week- This one's going to be hard to do with school every single day now. But I love dressing nice, feeling pretty, and going out of the house looking that way. Even if it's just a trip to wal-mart. I like the feeling. :)

Keep a journal- To keep myself from going insane.

Love someone with all my heart- This one sounds stupid and cheesy. But I miss being in love. Not a fan of the arguing and things that come along with it, but what about the feeling you get once you realize the argument is over and you guys are fine again. It's been so long since I've truly been IN love with someone, years. I miss it so much. I'm not going to go out and "look for love" because in reality it just doesn't happen that way, but I do hope that this comes along SOME time in the next 12 months. Just a hint though, there is an amazing boy in my life right now, and we're not in the "I love you" stage just yet, but he truly is something else. I've never met a person who I can talk to and have fun with the way I do with him. :)

Find a way to update my wardrobe- This probably comes along with the job thing, but it is much needed. My clothes are so, plain.

Read more books- I LOVE reading. But I get so caught up in life and things that I have to get done, that I forget how much I love reading because I never have the time to do it. I will be reading more often this year though. I'm already off to a great start.

Donate Blood- I did it once in high school. And I never went back to do it again. I meant too, I just never....did. Maybe it was because I was annoyed that they called me once a day for 7 months to try to set up an appointment, and being the stubborn person I am, I just said no every time. Whatever the reason is, I just need to do it again. There's NOTHING to it. And I feel so selfish for not doing it.

Have the best birthday of my life- I've never had an amazing birthday where everyone gets together and celebrates. I want that this year. I'm going to make it happen. :)



New Year. New Beginnings.

I think I'm going to post more here.

I miss it. :)

I'll post as soon as I figure out what my resolution is this year.