
Resolutions Update.

So, it's about halfway through the year. I know I haven't blogged in awhile, but I was reading through my old posts, and kinda laughed when I read my resolutions one. So let's see how well I've stuck to it.

Play more guitar-
Haven't done it. Between that move to Vegas and then moving back home, there was no time. I also left my guitar in Vegas and things happened, it is now in Texas with my dad. I should be getting it soon though, I hope.

Have more patience- I've actually stuck to this one, and I'm proud. :D

Use camera daily- I think I forgot about this one. Maybe I'll start it now. Maybe now. Who knows?

Get a job, and stick with it- Once again, between the moves, I've only been looking for 2 months now. I had an interview at Border's didn't get it. Nobody else has called back.

Stay Organized- I have nothing TO organize. I have no room anymore.

Lose weight- Just plain and simple, no.

Dress up once a week- I HAVE done this. But I'm not so sure it was intentional. Haha.

Keep a journal- I don't have a room. I live out of a suitcase and the trunk of my car. I have a 3 year old nephew and a 10 year old niece who would probably find it since theres nowhere to hide it, and tell everyone about it.

Love someone with all my heart- PRINCE CHARMING DOES NOT EXIST. Hahaha. SO pessimistic. I think I put something about Jahaziel in here, but as of about 3 weeks ago, that's over and done with.

Find a way to update my wardrobe- No money=No way of doing this.

Read more books- I have read a few. Let's see. Dear John (of course), The Last Song, TTYL, Prep, Nightlife, Thirteen Reasons Why, Crank, Im reading Glass now. That's all I can think of a the moment, but I'm making a trip to the library again on Sunday.

Donate Blood- I have a tattoo now. I can't. X)

Have the best birthday of my life- I was in Vegas. I went out to eat with people who were twice my age and much much much older.