
A Twist in the Story.

I was reading over my old posts, it seems not much has changed. Which is horrible. I don't start school until October 19th, and I'm really nervous about it because I don't know anybody who is starting with me, and I've never even walked the National City campus. But I'm excited. It's something a lot more productive I can do all day. I have class Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Basically from 10:30-3:30. So I'm going to the Boys and Girls Club to talk to Stephanie, the program director, about getting a job at the Gift of Time. It will look really good as far as experience for when I apply for teaching jobs after I graduate. Not to mention, it's super fun working with the kids before and after school. And I can't complain about the pay, either. $10 an hour for a first job is not too bad. :) Toys R Us also sent me an e-mail. I'm considering working there Tuesday, Thursday, Saturdays and Sundays from the morning until 3:00 ish. Because the Gift of Time hours aren't tooo great. I'll be a little overwhelmed at first. But it's my only way to pay for clothes and books.
On to the next subject, hmmm. What else? My dad's kinda...eh. I don't know what to say about the whole situation anymore. I told him that my opinion on it is just way too different than his, I see things from my familys perspective, and he hasn't considered how it makes the family feel. So we agreed to disagree...kinda. It's weird. I used to see him every month. I havent seen him in almost 3 months now. I miss him a lot too. I actually cry about it. But things aren't the same. They're not going to be the same again. I guess I'll just have to adjust. I just want out of this house SO bad. I feel like I'm stuck choosing sides, live with mom or live with dad. And since I've stayed here, it's like I'm choosing my mom. But if I honestly had a choice, I would live on my own, no matter what it took. Because there's no way I'm going to Vegas, but there's no way I can stay in this house much longer. I have half a bedroom to myself in this place, and with a 2 year old nephew and 9 year old niece, they basically take over it. An 18 year old girl, sharing a room with a 17 year old boy should be illegal. Haha. It's seriously way too much for me to handle anymore. When we were 10 and 8, sure whatever. But I just don't have "me" time anymore, especially since he goes to school about once a week now. Ugh.
I'm going to the Britney Spears concert in 3 days! And let me tell you, I am STOKED about it. I haven't been to a real concert since I was like 12. And it was Britney. :) She puts on an amazing show, and I'm so lucky that my dad can afford to buy me a ticket. I really wanted to go with Judi, but my dad wasn't up for buying TWO tickets. So when Nour heard my dad say that, because she was at my house, she offered to buy one herself since she has money saved from working. And it all worked out. :0 Jazmin, my cousin/bestestest friend might be going too. Which makes me happier because she's the one who has gone with me to every other concert. :D
AHHH! I'm so excited. Speechless. But it still hasn't HIT me yet. It will Thursday morning though. I'vebeen a fan of hers since I was 7, literally. It was the world premiere of her very first video and I started freaking out because she had the same name as me. Haha. And ever since that day, I've memorized every song of hers, bought her DVD's, books and CD's, and even t-shirts. Haha. 11 years later and I'm going to her comeback tour. WHOO! :) Okay I'm rambling now. I'm off to go get ready to go buy a few things for the concert. :)
Until next time.....

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