
Who would've thought...

Who would've thought one day in 6 years could bring a family together?
Who would've thought my parents would be crying together when I walked in the house?
Who would've thought THEY would break up, and he'd come to ME for help?
Who would've thought that high school would fly by so fast?

Sooo much going on this weekend. And for once, there is not one thing to complain about. This is the first weekend in about 6 months that my dad has come home and instead of tears from the harsh words being thrown around, it's from watching a slideshow, or having a talk, or just my sister talking about how proud she is of me. I never thought the sound of country music and about 12 (drunk) people laughing together could be so comforting. I'd usually be annoyed by now. Instead I'm sitting here listening to the memories they're talking about and occasionally wiping away a tear.

High school is over. As I'm typing this on my new laptop and feeling the keys to my mom's car in my lap, feeling so grown up now, it's all hitting me so hard. 13 years of school, you work so hard to get through it all you know? All the drama, tears, laughs, lunch memories, class discussions, study sessions, late nights with coffee to finish book reports, deadlines and money due, homework and classwork, substitutes and crazy teachers, unforgettable people and inspirational teachers, class clowns, quiet kids, being called up to the board to finish a problem you have no clue how to solve, being called on to read a passage in a book, seaworld trips and performances in front on hundreds of people, where the only ones who matter are the judges, and your family, stupid assemblies, fun assemblies, hugs everyday, rainy day schedules, the usual way to class, seeing the same people every single day in the same exact place, nasty school pizza w/chocolate milk, grades and progress reports, open houses, "no texting in class," waking up late, daydreaming in class, it's ALL over now. Sure, most of us are going off to some college or school, but most of this will never be a part of our life again. Minus a few things here and there, you start to realize that it's the littlest things you were so used to, that you'll end up missing in the long run. Sure, not now. Maybe not even next year. But 10 years from now we'll all look back to these days and whether we're talking to our friends or our kids, we'll all smile and say "It feels like yesterday." As much as I wanted out of high school, I'm nervous about all this change coming up. An excited kind of nervous though. I'm ready now.

1 comment:

  1. <3 I'm going to miss you Brittany. We really did it. And it really is insane that we're through. I don't think it's really hit me yet.
