
If you just realize...

Okay so, a lot has happened since the last post. Too much to type it all out. To make a long story short, new kid came in the picture. Then it was ruined by the crazy stalker. But I don't even care cause it only made me realize how much I love what I had<3 And I am still going to fight for it. :)
On to a different subject. Life. Hmmm. Lots going on still. Crazy stuff. Sad stuff. DEPRESSING stuff. And now I am ready for my fresh start tomorrow<3 :) 12 weeks of high school left. And 13 left til graduation. :) I am sooo excited. I want high school to be over already. :)
Mmm... there's wayy too much to write. And I can't stop cleaning. Plus, I have a packet of spanish hw left. :/ So I must get off. :)
I guess this was just a post because I havent blogged in awhile, and everyone who actually reads my stuff should know I am still alive. :D And to remind myself of how happy and excited I am at this moment for reasons only known to me. :) so. Imma keep fighting. I've gone through this before. Gotta keep my head upupup. :)
I'll blog more tomorrow.

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