

I don't completely understand why everyone thinks that being 18 means it would be a good idea to get engaged or married to the person you're "in love" with. Ridiculous. Out of all 9 young couples that I know of being engaged, or married, right now, there are only 2 that I believe should be, hands down. Vanessa and Jorge and Kayla and Ryan. Not that it's any of my business, or as if my opinion matters at all. I'm just shocked after realizing how many IMMATURE people truly believe they have the mindset to decide something that will change their future forever, for better or for worse. Haha. Most of these people barely even passed high school. >:/ But for the 2 couples that I truly believe are meant for eachother, I wish you nothing but the best and happiness through good times and bad. <3

My summer has been....... uneventful. The most boring summer I've had since I was about 13. All my best friends have their boyfriends to hang out with, and it's ALL they seem to do. -_- It's times like these when I do miss having someone. But then, I realize I start school in 2 weeks, and boys have done nothing but bad for me recently. So unless prince charming happens to stumble my way, white horse and all, I'm not even bothering. :)

School. 2 weeks. I have mixed emotions about it. College. Really? It still hasn't completely hit me yet. I'm sure it will though, fast and hard. I wish I didn't have to take this summer program. That's an extra $1000 I could put towards my car. Which reminds me, I finally got my license. It almost didn't happen because there was no car to test in, until about 45 minutes before the actual test. But it happened. And besides the fact that the guy giving me the test was a complete jerk >:/, I passed and I'm happy now. I suppose. I spent $50 on school supplies today. How? I honestly don't know. It was WalMart too. But I did, and I'm sure I have everything I need, plus much more. I wonder if anyone else enjoys getting new supplies like me. :p I used to think I was so weird for enjoying shopping for school supplies. I find it quite funny. I need to get the rest of my clothes. So far I've bought about, 5 shirts I think? Maybe 4. No jeans. >:/ I hate paying too much for jeans. Hate it. Hate it. But I'll have to give in some time. I need some. And a pair of sandles. Maybe a purse. I want 1 purse to use on a daily basis, instead of switching off. I'm going to have to do that.

Gas is getting expensive again. We've put in $50 in 2 days. :o We've gone a few places, but still. A few months ago $25 would have done the job. Ugh.

I find out tomorrow if we're leaving for Vegas on Thursday. I really hope so. I need to at least say I did at least one thing this summer.

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