

Sometimes, I wish I could change things beyond my control. I don't like this feeling at all.
I feel like I go from the highest high to the lowest low within a day.

I started college. It's the summer session at SDSU. It's also mandatory for my Fall enrollment. At first I was so excited. New people, my professors are nice for the most part, free stuff, new area, more independence; but now I'm just overwhelmed. I have to cram a semesters worth of work into a 5 week session. And it's a class I would never take if I had the option, which is what college is supposed to be about; Options, your own choices, your own classes, your own major, to determine where you'll go. But, I'm stuck in a remedial english class, where I'm passing up all the kids in my class, because I've worked on that subject 3 years in a row. I'm not supposed to be in that class. If only I wasn't sick the day of the placement test. >:/ UGH.

As for the good in it, well there's not much really. Let's see, hmm............OH, okay, I'm learning the campus before everyone. Still a little confusing, especially that stupid Adam's Humanities building. -_- But I'm happy I've learned so much. Hmm, what else? Okay. Yeah. Boys. A really cute one to be specific. Who spends more time talking to me than anyone else in the class. Hmmm? ;) I'm stoked for the Fall semester. I met some AMAZING people in my major. They were Seniors and Juniors I believe, they helped me pick my classes, and register and explained the requirements for it. Tina and Daishanna are in that major as well. :) It's one of the smallest colleges on our camous, so it should be fun. I'm planning on joining the Student Ambassadors. I believe Tina wants to as well? It seems fun. :) And I have decided I want to live on campus next year, no doubt about it. There is no possible way I can experience the college life commuting from my house to campus. Not to mention, I HATE having my moms car then listening to her complain about not having a car use while she's at work. And gas, my gosh, it's ridiculous. So I'll live on campus, be involved, get good grades, meet new people, and learn even more about myself. :) I'm excited.

Tomorrow's a special day. It marks a day where I was the happiest I have ever been, 2 years prior.
Today, not so much, Horrible memories of last year. I really wish I could forget. But they're in my dreams. :O

1 comment:

  1. Sigh... I'm taking remedial math when I start this fall.

    Ridiculous. That I have to pay for that. >:O

    I'm glad you're enjoying your experience so far. :]
