
Dreading a 4 day weekend?! :o

Yeah, basically.
Ugh. I don't see how this weekend could even go any worse. That's the bright side of the whole situation.
I don't get how my dad could even THINK like that?
"Oh let's go out to dinner and ruin Brittany's Valentine's Day by making her babysit. :D"
It's bad enough that I'll be in Vegas, hey why not throw in being stuck alone with an 8 year old and 2 year old who HATES me.
Like I have no life at all. Ew.

At least I'll see my dad, and his new house. Considering it'll probably be the last time I see him til a week or so after I turn 18. YIPPEE.

I'm not even looking forward to my birthday anymore. All everyone's decided to do is whine and complain about how excited I am over nothing.
THANKS guys. :D

On a much much much happier note, I saw Carlos for the first tiime in about a month. I gave him the Valentine's Day stuff I made him, early. Since I won't be here. I was so shocked that I actually got BUTTERFLIES. And my heart was racing. And I acted like a middle schooler all giggly and what not. It was like being put back into time to about a year ago. And even though I'm not supposed to feel that anymore, I enjoyed it. :)

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